University Voyages

College Credits Awarded

Adventure, learn to sail, prepare for life

Earn college credit while building confidence, learning practical skills, and developing emotional and social intelligence. No matter what career you choose, these voyages are designed to help you get there. Open-enrollment and group sign-ups are available ranging from week-long to month-long. (Semester-length voyages coming soon)


Cost: Varies depending on voyage length

• 5.5 days voyaging
• 5 nights at anchor
• Possible port visits


Sailing, hiking, small boat rowing, small boat sailing, swimming, personal time


Sample Courses


Leadership Development

4 Full-Semester Credits

Using the challenges of the close and dynamic environment aboard our ship students will progress through roles of amateur sailors, professional crew, watch leaders, and officers in order to develop their own potential as leaders. Peer-to-peer, group, and self evaluations will be a big part of this course as students explore first hand the most effective methods of leadership.


Seamanship and Navigation

4 Full-Semester Credits

This course is intended to create a foundation for mariner competency. All students that come through our program will complete this course while aboard our ship. In addition, students can receive their Standards of Training, Certification, and Watch-keeping (STCW-95), and Able Seaman certificate, credentials required for most professional mariner positions worldwide.


Weather and Climatology

4 Full-Semester Credits

Weather is an integral aspect of successful voyage planning and execution. This course will build a macro understanding of global climate but also create an understanding of how to identify and foresee changing local weather events. Students will be learning about the weather they are experiencing as it shapes their daily lives aboard.


Intro to Marine Biology

4 Full-Semester Credits

This course will introduce students, through observation, to marine biology. Students will learn about the diversity of marine organisms and the complicated environments that exist in the ocean. Biology, taxonomy, oceanography and ecology are all topics that will be introduced and explored. Local ecosystems and species observed will be emphasized as we journey through different seascapes.


Intro to Oceanography

4 Full-Semester Credits

This course will introduce students to the important concepts that help us understand Earth's oceans. Topics will range across biological, chemical, geological and physical oceanography. Ocean currents, wave production and fluid dynamics will all be taught with relation to sailing conditions. The material will be learned through lectures relevant to our experiences during our voyage.


Intro to Astronomy

4 Full-Semester Credits

Starting with a survey of the night sky and the daily motions of the stars and planets, this course explores our current understanding of the Universe. We trace the evolution of the tools of the astronomer and how those tools have led to our theories of the solar system, the life cycle of stars, the formation of elements, the formation of galaxies and the evolution of the universe.


All courses are taught in an experiential framework aboard the ship. This hands-on, active approach to learning has proven to be more effective than conventional classroom teaching for all types of individual learning styles.

Light the Spark for the Next
Generation of Learners